Banglist sind ein in Berlin ansässiges Quartett aus Island und Norwegen, die ihre Musik als "pop but cool" bezeichnen. Ihre Debütsingle nennt sich Turn The Lights On und ist der erste Song, den die Band zusammen geschrieben hat. Stellvertretend für den Stil der Band verarbeitet der Track Einflüsse von ABBA, Robyn, Tame Impala sowie dem Disco der 80er Jahre und Grunge. Banglist wollen ihren ganz eigenen, zeitgemässen Pop kreieren.

Leadsängerin Asdis zu dem textlichen Hintergrund: "When you're heart breaks you feel crazy. Every emotion just goes their own and you have absolutely no control over it. The one thing you're the most scared of is the loneliness. Every second you're alone you start thinking that you deserve to be that way. So the key is distraction. They more you can get the better. You find yourself allowing people, that you don't have real feelings for, to come as close as humanly and physically possible. Casual dating becomes a routine rather an interesting one of experience. This song is basically a journal of all those feelings coming crashing down. You know how fucked up this behaviour is and you want to warn everybody not to fall in love even though it's the only thing you actually miss."